What age group is Zoinks designed for?
Zoinks works with any subject are grades 1-12.
Can students play Zoinks in my subject?
YES! Because Zoinks asks students to answer open-ended questions, it’s perfect for any classroom. It’s a great teaching tool for all core academic classes, but it can also be used to teach concepts in special education, music and art, health and P.E., and more.
What makes Zoinks better for students of all ability levels?
Classic digital learning games are based on speed: whoever answers first gets the points. Students on IEPs who need more processing time or English language learners often can’t compete and are subjected to situational bullying. Advanced students, on the other hand, often get bored with traditional multiple choice formats. These negative experiences quickly become an obstacle to learning and engagement.
Zoinks allows teachers to control the pace of game play so that everyone can participate, and the open answer formats allow students to answer creatively. And with an emphasis on connection and relationships as bridges to academic success, Zoinks provides a much more supportive and encouraging learning environment.
Can I play Zoinks for free?
Absolutely! Click HERE to get started today!
How can I get Zoinks at my school?
We would love to connect with your school and/or department. Click HERE to get started today!